Natalie Veiner Freeman


Travels 1991 – Indonesia


Our route.

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A retreat in Banda, a group of 10 small volcanic islands in the Banda Sea in the Indonesian province Maluku.

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The complex funeral rituals of the Torajan People in Sulawesi include a wood-carved effigy to protect ancestors in the afterlife.

Image caption to go here, a short paragraph on what’s going on. It should also be visible when the user clicks on the image to see it enlarged in a ligthbox.

A reenactment of tribal warfare in West Papua New Guinea.


Open air market in West Papua New Guinea.


Back to basics.

Image caption to go here, a short paragraph on what’s going on. It should also be visible when the user clicks on the image to see it enlarged in a ligthbox.

Pierre Trudeau preparing to dive in the Bay of Manado at the northern tip of Sulawesi.

Image caption to go here, a short paragraph on what’s going on. It should also be visible when the user clicks on the image to see it enlarged in a ligthbox.

Sulawesi countryside.


Tribal headdress in West Papua, New Guinea.

Image caption to go here, a short paragraph on what’s going on. It should also be visible when the user clicks on the image to see it enlarged in a ligthbox.

Tribal elder carving at river’s edge.